In the participation of a number of university students from various faculties and specializations and as part of the activities of Youth Summer 2022, the President of Yarmouk University, Professor Islam Massad, sponsored the opening of the exhibition "Yarmouk Innovations", which was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs. Massad expressed Yarmouk's pride in its talented and distinguished students who work hard to prove their worth and record their achievements through innovative pioneering projects in various scientific fields. After being briefed on the various projects, engineering, and technical works included in the exhibition, Massad praised the quality of performance and the pioneering and innovative ideas reflected in the projects included in the exhibition, which was held under the supervision of the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Rami Malkawi, including 22 display stations that had a number of student graduation projects in the fields of engineering, information technology, and plastic and applied arts.

Developing competencies in various fields of science and knowledge through providing distinguished education and producing of innovative scientific research that serves the community and contributes to building a knowledge economy by creating a university environment that stimulates creativity, through freedom of expression and responding to the demands of society and scientific development.