Yarmouk Receives the Award of the Distinguished Student Branch from the American Concrete Institute

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 The American Concrete Institute granted the student branch at Yarmouk University the award of “the most distinguished” Student Branch for the year 2021, which is granted annually by the Institute to the most active and distinguished student branch concerning the advanced and professional efforts of students based on criteria related to the number and quality of activities and competitions organized by student teams in international universities. The team included Qamar Al-Aqili, Sarah Obeidat, Malik Abu Al-Haijaa, Ahmed Bani Younes, Muhammad Bani Younes, Yasmine Safaqa, Hadeel Al-Shalakhti, Loujain Raji, Sarah Al-Jizawi, Hussam Al-Azzam, Rama Marian, Ahmed Abu Al-Ful, Ahmed Yasser, Jaafar Bani Melhem, Naseem Al Rawashdeh, Nour Al Mahamid, Ihab Al Fuqaha, Moath Al Zoubi, and Yara Obeidat.

Yarmouk University’s team organized during 2021 several local competitions that contributed to enhancing students' practical knowledge in the field of concrete, in addition to actively participating in international competitions. The team also organized local and regional seminars in cooperation with student branches from Tanta University in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Islamic University of Beirut. It also networked students with the labor market and graduate studies, broadened students’ horizons towards knowledge and career progress in civil engineering, and participated in several voluntary, social activities.

Developing competencies in various fields of science and knowledge through providing distinguished education and producing of innovative scientific research that serves the community and contributes to building a knowledge economy by creating a university environment that stimulates creativity, through freedom of expression and responding to the demands of society and scientific development.

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