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Massad: "Youth Summer 2022" is a Case that Draws Inspiration from the Royal Visions of Optimal Investment in University Youth


The President of Yarmouk University, Professor Islam Massad, said during the press conference organized by the Department of Public Relations and Media that the activities of "Youth Summer 2022" started with the beginning of summer semester as the university has completed full preparations for launching a number of interactive programs and activities in full partnership with students from various faculties and departments. He said that the university has prepared supervising teams through the Deanship of Student Affairs and the various deanships of the faculties and its departments in coordination with the Department of Public Relations and Media where all the logistical aspects, halls, theatres, amphitheaters, and the necessary arenas have been prepared. Massad then stressed that this unconventional university summer will be a periodic approach in all upcoming semesters, and it comes in a contemporary innovative way. He added that the university was keen to partner with all faculties to offer activities needed by students to lead interactive dialogue sessions with a high level of interaction between students, opinion leaders, and officials.

Regarding the type of activities included in Yarmouk Youth Summer 2022, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Thiyabat, explained that the program is divided into five weeks and includes many events and activities at the level of knowledge, skills, entertainment, and awareness. He mentioned that the first week includes holding the Third National Conference “The Royal Discussion Papers between Study and Implementation" as well as several dialogue sessions on youth and politics empowerment, especially “democracy” and “active citizenship”. In the second week, two dialogue sessions will be presented in the field of youth and political empowerment covering the themes: "elections and political parties" and "extremism", in addition to an interactive seminar on “Yarmouk Success Stories”, an awareness seminar on the “Awareness of Traffic Accidents”, “Working before Employment”, an interactive workshop “Discover Yourself”, and another on “Cybercrime (defamation and extortion). The third week, he said, includes an area of ​​youth and political empowerment through many dialogue sessions covering the royal discussion papers in addition to an exhibition of “Yarmouk innovations” that includes projects, innovations, patents, entrepreneurship, exhibitions, plays, music, singing, and other seminars on innovation, harassment, student sanctions, and awareness of the dangers of drug abuse. It also includes a community service activity, which is “cleaning Islamic and Christian cemeteries” and a symposium for celebrating the "Jordanian Youth and Sustainable Development". As for the activities of the fourth week, they include empowerment sessions, a number of poetry debates and a number of interactive dialogue sessions with students, a voluntary community activity in one of Bani Obaid schools, a symposium on the “Professional Accounting Certificate”, “Dealing with the University Security,” and “Sports Intolerance and its Reduction” and a competition entitled “Capturing the Flag/ CTF”. The last week includes various dialogue sessions and other activities, such as poetry readings to unleash talents in this field, “Jordanian cities and villages (in both Arabic and English), “Youth Empowerment and Volunteer Work”, “You are a Leader”, “Design Problems and Solutions”, a programming competition (YUPCP), and a panel discussion by the eminent preacher Dr. Muhammad Rateb al-Nabulsi.

For her part, the Director of the Dept. of Public Relations and Media, the official spokesperson for the university, Dr. Nawzat Abu Al-Asal, stated that it is expected that the “Youth Summer 2022” will achieve a number of outputs and desired goals, the first of which is that Yarmouk youth leads a cultural movement at the university and outside it and that their opinions, ideas and proposals will be adopted as beneficial decisions. She also stated that this summer comes as a proof that the university youth is a real and influential partner in public life through dialogue, which is a reliable channel for responsible expression in various national issues.

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