Yarmouk Organizes "The Royal Discussion Papers between Study and Implementation: A Road Map for the Future of Jordan"

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The former president of the Jordanian House of Representatives, Lawyer Abdel Moneim Al-Odat, sponsored the Third National Conference entitled “The Royal Discussion Papers between Study and Implementation: A Road Map for the Future of Jordan”, which was organized by the late Samir Al-Rifai Chair for Jordanian Studies at Yarmouk University and the Cultural Forum of Irbid, in cooperation with the Executive Office For the celebration of Irbid as the Capital of Arab Culture for 2022 over two days in the Conferences and Seminars Building.

Al-Odat said that Jordan was able to transform the principles and themes tackled in the royal discussion papers into practical reality by making constitutional amendments that established the principle of the rule of law and the integration of powers, and paved the way for a review of the legislation governing the political life. He added that Jordan has withstood regional and international challenges, thanks to the wisdom of its Hashemite leadership and the expertise of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein in managing balances and crises, analyzing facts and developments, and foreseeing the future.  He also pointed out that in light of the progress made by the country over the past few years after the publication of the seven discussion papers and the subsequent conferences, seminars and meetings were conducted in substantive discussions on the contents of those papers, which formed the basis for a wide national discussion about the foundations on which we should build our democratic system.

The President of the Conference - President of the University, Professor Islam Massad, said that by organizing this conference with the participation of a group of researchers, thinkers and academics, Yarmouk University completes what had been accomplished in previous conferences and keeps pace with new ideas and visions related to the royal discussion papers. He added that since His Majesty King Abdullah II assumed his constitutional powers in 1999, His Majesty has worked to lay down a clear vision for comprehensive reform, development and support for democracy in the Jordanian state, emphasizing this through a series of discussion papers dealing with development and reform issues, thus stimulating national dialogue and democratic transformation.  Massad also pointed out that Yarmouk University organized this conference to confirm its important role in developing various types of science and knowledge and contributing to the history of the Jordanian state referring that the conference is the starting point of the important activities and events of “Youth Summer 2022”.

In his speech on behalf of the participants in the conference, the former Minister Dr. Hazem Qashou stressed that societies are formed by geography and themes. As for geography, it is defined for security purposes, and as for the latter, it is built on cognitive values ​​that societies carry through their leadership. He added that in the midst of this expelling atmosphere in the region, everyone was looking for a compass for survival, then His Majesty King Abdullah II presented his vision for the modern state project through his discussion papers, thus opening dialogue tools and activating atmosphere for pluralistic democratic action. Qashou also pointed out that this conference held by Yarmouk University, which is well-established in its role and mission, will not fail to address the issue of cognitive learning, which has become obligatory in light of the acceleration of events and the changing pace of education, indicating that the call for a work strategy for cognitive learning has become a necessity, especially after the state has found work strategies for political, administrative, and economic reform.

The head of the preparatory committee for the conference - holder of the Chair of Late Samir Al-Rifai for Jordanian Studies, Dr. Muhammad Anaqra, said that he hopes that by the end of the conference sessions and dialogues, participants will present several recommendations that will make Jordan a pioneering country in understanding and implementing democracy and a living model in political reform and comprehensive development. He referred that over two days, participants would discuss 54 research papers addressing what was stated in the discussion papers, trying to draw appropriate recommendations for democratic Jordan. Moreover, Anaqra affirmed that the conference attempts to contribute to the political and democratic development of Jordan, indicating that this would not have been possible without the great efforts of His Majesty the King in composing the discussion papers that represent a road map that guides the people, individuals and institutions, and guides successive governments in all their activities.

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